We offer

  • Intervention in case of accidents of vessels including instigation and supervision of necessary measures
  • Surveys, assessments and estimates of damage to hulls and engines of inland vessels and sports watercrafts
  • Investigation of causes of damage   
  • Handling of major sea accident investigations
  • Workout of General Average Cases
  • Workout of General-Average-Statements
  • Valuations of inland vessels and sports watercrafts
  • Inspection of compressed-air reservoirs as expert authorised by BG Verkehr [German trade association for vehicle maintenance]
  • Inspection of liquid gas systems as authorised BG Verkehr expert
  • Land overhauls as expert authorised by the ZSUK
  • Hoist inspections as expert authorised by the ZSUK
  • Checking of stability calculations as as expert authorised by ZSUK


Dipl. Ing Thorsten Lenz

Luitpoldstraße 206

D 67063 Ludwigshafen

Tel.: + 49 621 69 46 40 
Tel.: + 49 621 69 68 47
Fax: + 49 621 63 18 90



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